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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Dream Snatchers

Athletes must be able to recognize when people put out road blocks to stop or slow down your dreams, especially if you are dedicated to your dream or you excel in a particular sport. But I also believe some people are not actually out to hurt you. Like anything in life, when you're successful, it forces the people around you to look at themselves. One of the hardest human characteristics to overcome is self- evaluation. I mean "c'mon," who want to go around beating themselves up for their own shortcomings. We're always taught to be positive. But guess what? The truth will set us free.

In youth sports, your son or daughter may be the big baller on his team. A parent was telling me the other day how one of the teammates would score about 30 points a game when they played in the second grade. But that same kid is now playing 5th grade AAU ball and his skills are more matched towards 3rd grade play at this time. So what happens when a new member makes the 5th grade team and his skills are fundamentally sound. It forces parents to re-evaluate their own kids and make them realize their kid is not as advanced as they thought. So now it's time to get back to work and do the things that are necessary to help that kid get better. In other words, elite athletes don't have the time to sit on their laurels. There is always someone out there who is trying to get better, plus that same kid who was good in the 2nd grade, but not 5th grade ball, will all probably balance out by high school.

But just remember, you will have people out there trying to snatch your dreams away from you unless you are careful.

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