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Friday, November 30, 2007

Get A Life Dad!

My son's were participating in a summer camp this year and it was a well run camp. The coach has a son who plays and I can honestly say, I didn't see the traditional "daddyball" mentality displayed by most coaches. He really did not treat his son differently. I remember once he pulled his son from one position to give another player experience at that particular position. But, I began to notice one particular dad who would go crazy when his son made a mistake. Little did I know that dad had two sons and he was tougher on the younger one, who probably will playing 10u AAU basketball this season. I would feel so sorry for the younger one. You could see fear his eyes whenever he made a mistake, because he knew his dad was going to loud-talk him in front of all his fellow players. I mean, dad would go ballistic on the sidelines, and I don't think he is a coach.

So dads, let your son's just play the game. Maybe their maturity level hasn't quite gotten there yet. Correct them if needed but not belittle them. Encourage them to do their best and remain positive.

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