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Monday, December 3, 2007

One Monkey Cn Stop The Show-But Two Will Destroy It

You know, I remember one of the ass't. coaches telling me, "the head coach has assured me that all positions will be open for competitiveness." Meaning no positions are open for competition. After looking at the last few practices, what this coach really meant was he wanted his son to come in as the sub-point guard. The dynamics of being a sports parent are interesting. By God, it's your kid and you want the best for them, right? But I'm speaking about those parents who are not open and forthright about their kid's in competitive sports. The ass't. coach's son, for the sake of clarity and time, lets call the player Pookie. Pookie and the head coach's son go head to head in a drill. Pookie dribbles the ball up court and gets it stolen by Mikey several times. Now mind you, Mikey and Pookie are the type of players who trip over the lines on the court.

My wife, who is no expert in the game of basketball has began to notice the differences on the court this year. Remember, a lot of thing we let slide because it was our first year and we didn't want to rock the boat. She noticed the frustration on our son's face yesterday at practice. My wife later tells me that my cousin and myself need to start our own AAU team. WOW! Now I see how "daddyball" originates.

Anyway, I keep telling my son to just play within the system and try and enjoy the game as much as possible. I also tell him, things will change on game day. That's his time to take over, if that's what he really wants to do. I tell him that his confidence will take him a long way during the season and it will get better.

Okay, there are two (Fric & Frac) players on the team who are so disruptive. It seems all hell comes when it's time to run the lines. They lag behind and they get away with it. SO now a new member see these two loafing and he does it too ( hmm? I may have to find a name for him too, if he keeps it up) . The coaches get pissed and these kids get their wish by sitting on the sidelines. Get my point here. The good guys still have to run, while Fric & Frac sit out, but are still able to play in the games. C'mon coaches, what are you teaching these guys? It's okay to loaf through life and I will still be rewarded? Please!!! It seems the value of winning is a higher goal than teaching responsibility. Coaches, two of your new parents are big money sponsors, do you honestly think they are going to put up with that foolishness?

Two monkeys or should I re-phrase and say, a Fric and Frac will stop your show!!!!!

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