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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

"The Dad Factor"

I picked up on the comments below from a poster upset about "daddyball." The poster makes some very good observations.

"However, the "dad factor" continues to try and control who the best players are in N. Texas instead of rounding up the top 40 or so players and putting them into a gym for about two weekends and letting the best players rise to the top through competition without their dads controlling their role on the court. Instead, the "eager dads" want to coach their sons teams, "rank their own sons" in their bogus polls, "conduct their own elite camps for their sons to be named an all-american", hold them back a grade or two to compensate for their height and other physical limitations so they can be called a "phenom", and get chummy with the few national ranking services and shoe company guys to keep their sons at the forefront.

But none of this will help when their sons are in the 11th and 12th grade and the college coaches come by to see them play for their high school teams. They can see in about five minutes who is a college player and who is a bogus internet/message board-created "phenom".Just one man's opinion, but please spare all of these boys the grief of having to deal with a biased selection process and another unorganized event. Just be patient and in a few more years you will get to see if a college thinks that your boys are great enough players to offer them a full ride.

The Dallas area has sent hundreds of boys to college in recent years and it won't stop anytime soon. Relax and let your baby boys be a child for a minute and not always have them in the competitive grind of seeing you (the dads) living out your failed "hoop dreams" through them. Boys, go and play football for a season and see if that may be your ticket to a college scholarship...Does it really take an All-Star game (or a rocket scientist) to figure out who the top two 2011 players are in N. Texas (every college scout already knows who they are - I won't name them because I hate naming kids on this site - hint they are both taller than 6-6 already)? So what would those two players benefit from playing in this buck wild all-star game?holla! "

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