NBA Weekend

NBA Weekend
Jordan,trophy & "yeah right!"

NBA Weekned

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Mom & Jimmy Jam

NBA Weekend

NBA Weekend
Jordan & NBA commish-David Stern

NBA Weekend

NBA Weekend
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NBA Weekend

NBA Weekend
Jared (foreground) & Jordan

NBA Weekend

NBA Weekend
Jordan & Al Horford

NBA Weekend

NBA Weekend
Jordan&DWade Clinic

NBA Weekend

NBA Weekend
Jordan Competing

NBA Weekend

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Jared & NBA Player

NBA Weekend

NBA Weekend
Jared, Bob Lanier & Jordan

NBA West All Stars 2010

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Jordan Hunter & NBA West All Stars

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Houston Hoops 13U #8 Ranked 2010
Houston Hoops #8 AAU Nationals

Monday, September 21, 2009

I knew I Was Right! Keep'n It Ol'Skool

If there is one thing I learned as a athlete is that you can't reach the next level without learning the fundamentals of the game. I would throw in the history of the sport you're participating in, but I don't want to push anyone's thought process too far. On Sundays as usual, my 12 year old took his weekly one day a week basketball training to Bellaire High in Houston, Texas. If you are not familiar with Bellaire High, they have one of the top ranked teams in Texas, with 3-4 players being courted by D-1 universities. First of all, let me say it feels good to be around positiveness. It rubs off you know. Picture this scenario: A 12 and 13 year old middle school ball players in the same gym with proven high school ballers. Can you just imagine the positive energy flowing in the gym?Again, my 12 and 13 year old have learned more in a month from these sessions than playing three years in AAU. As rude as it may sound,they were doing a drill and my 12 year old knocked down another player and my son kept on playing. People, you may not have any idea where I am going with this, but here is the deal. Your competitive juices rise when you conquer being "Mr Nice" guy on the court and compete within the game itself. There just comes a time when you have to stand your ground or you will be eaten alive in competitive sports. Now I'm not saying you should become a bully on the court. But there is plenty of time to shake hands after the game. Res, reps, reps, and more reps. In AAU youth games, you just don't get the repetitions to improve your skill development. So, by age 15u, if you want to play AAU ball; go ahead.

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