NBA Weekend

NBA Weekend
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Tuesday, September 8, 2009


You see, I had to preface the difference between AAU 14 and under to show a difference between true youth sports and the elite group of summer high school players. Granted all of this is my opinion based on my experiences. Nowadays, you will see kids as young as the 3rd grade competing at national tournaments. Personally I'd rather see kids playing at the local YMCA, but this is not the climate for rationality. Throughout the country we have all these young kids competing at a high level of basketball play. Yes, I said it! "A high level of play." So what do I mean by "high level?" Because the parents and coaches get sucked into the seriousness of the game. Arguing and cursing with the refs makes the atmosphere very competitive, and the kids pick up on this.

I'm a recovering AAU parent who just took his sons out of AAU basketball.

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